APHA Szerző - Kadija K.4


 Search for exotic baryon resonances in p-p collisions at the CERN SPS.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.  + 100 (NA49 Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye PENTAQUARK 04 Proceedings of the International Workshop SPring-8. Nishiharima, Hyogo, Japan, 20-23 July, 2004. Eds: Atsushi Hosaka, Tomoaki Hotta. Osaka, World Scientific 0 (2005) 35
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Search for exotic baryon resonances in p-p collisions at the CERN SPS.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye International Workshop on PENTAQUARK 04, SPring-8. Nishiharima, Hyogo, Japan, 20-23 July, 2004 0 (2004) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Nuclear Physics
Developm. of Instr. and Methods


 Exotic cascades at NA49.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.  + 101 (NA49 Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye SCI Acta Physica Polonica B 36 (2005) 2239
Impakt faktor 0.8072005
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Exotic cascades at NA49.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye Cracow Epiphany Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy. Cracow, Poland, 6-8 Jan., 2005 0 (2005) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Exotic baryon resonances in p+p interactions with the NA49 detector.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.  + 100 (NA49 Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye SCI Journal of Physics G. Nuclear Physics, Supplement 30 (2004) S1359
Impakt faktor 1.5332004
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (2)


 Exotic baryon resonances in p+p interactions with the NA49 detector.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye 17th International Conference on Ultra Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. Quark Matter 2004. Oakland, California, 11-17 Jan., 2004 0 (2004) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Strange particle production in p+p,p+Pb and Pb+Pb interactions from NA49.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.  + 120 (NA49 Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye SCI Journal of Physics G Nuclear and Particle Physics 28 (2002) 1675
Impakt faktor 1.3992002
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI


 Strange particle production in p+p,p+Pb and Pb+Pb interactions from NA49.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye 6th International Conference on Strange Quark in Matter: 2001: A Flavorspace Odyssey (SQM 2001). Frankfurt, Germany, 25-29 Sept., 2001 0 (2001) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Particle correlation in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN-SPS: Results from the NA49 experiment.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.  + 120 (NA49 Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye Proceedings of 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics. ICHEP 96. Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July, 1996. Eds: Z. Ajduk, A.K. Wroblewski. River Edge, NJ, World Scientific 0 (1997) 947
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Particle correlation in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN-SPS: Results from the NA49 experiment.

Szerzők Kadija K.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics. (ICHEP 96). Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July, 1996 0 (1996) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics
Összes Publikációja

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:200.010
Non-locally cited publications:200.010
Cited SCIpublications:100.0050
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:100.0050
SCICited publications:200.010
Non-locally SCIcited publications:200.010
SCICited SCIpublications:100.0050
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:100.0050
Non-local citations:2900.1350
Non-local SCIcitations:2900.1350
Averaged impact:0.50600.8620
SCIaveraged impact:1.24600.0140
Citational effectivity:14.500.010
Non-local citational effectivity:14.500.010
SCIcitational effectivity:14.500.010
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:14.500.010
Publications, n:2000
SCIPublications, n:2000
Cited publications, n:2000
Non-locally cited publications, n:2000
Cited SCIpublications, n:2000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:2000
SCICited publications, n:2000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:2000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:2000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:2000