Space Physics in Slovakia

Szeminárium Space Physics in Slovakia

Dr. Simon Mackovjak

IEP SAS (Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Időpont 2025-04-29 11:00
Helyszín HUN-REN ATOMKI, nagyelőadó (Debrecen, Bem tér 18/c)
Esemény leírása

Space Physics in Slovakia started in the 1950s with the first measurements of secondary cosmic rays at the peak of Lomnický štít (2634 m above sea level). In the 1970s first instruments for space missions were developed in Košice. The international cooperation with European space science institutes started in the 1990s and the utilization of state-of-the-art AI technologies for space research was introduced in the 2020s. Nowadays, the space physics at IEP SAS is built upon this heritage with an ambition to unveil still hidden space phenomena. During this overview presentation, the recent results and the possibilities for cooperation will be presented.

Egyéb információ

Tea and cookies are offered 30 minutes before the seminar.