The aim of the project is to explore the physical properties of materials in the range of environmental conditions encountered in space. In particular, we study the properties of condensed molecular films (ices) and their gas-phase components as well as materials proposed for utilisation in space. The experiments will be performed under (i) ultrahigh-vacuum conditions, (ii) across the range of temperatures typically encountered in space, and (iii) during exposure to space radiation encompassing ions with energies over the keV and MeV range, thus mimicking the solar wind.
The project can be divided into two distinct but complementary work-packages, focusing on (1) the physical structure of ices in space, and (2) the irradiation of materials (including astrophysically relevant ices and gases that show potential for applications in space exploration) under conditions analogous to those encountered in space.
Project budget: 119 880 000 HUF