Participation in the upgrade of the alignment system planned for 2013 and 2014. Individual calibration and installation of the new devices. Reinstallation of the alignment system on the CMS detector. Commissioning of the alignment system. Validation of the alignment data with real physics data collected by the CMS experiment.
Refurbishment of the CMS laboratory for alignment and the FBGs. Purchasing devices needed for the new tests. Participation in the research and development of new FBG and LPG sensors for the CMS detector. Installation of new FBG sensors in the CMS detector. Commissioning of the upgraded FOS4CMS system and important upgrades to the software system. Operating the FOS4CMS system. Radiation hardness tests on the new sensors. Data analysis of the radhard measurements.
Participation in the upgrade project of the CMS Muon EndCap System. Expert works on the wire tension measurement system.