Research institutes and SMEs (small and medium enterpises) are joining forces in the RADIATE project exchanging experience and best practice examples in order to structure the European Research Area of ion technology application. Besides further developing ion beam technology and strengthening the cooperation between European ion beam infrastructures, RADIATE is committed to providing easy, flexible and efficient access for researchers from academia and industry to the participating ion beam facilities. Joint research activities (JRA) and workshops aim to strengthen Europe’s leading role in ion beam science and technology. Atomki takes part in JRA work packages and tasks as follows:
- WP20 Ion sources and beams, T20.1. Microbeam optics
- WP21 Detectors and electronics, T21.1. Single ion detection
Participants: 15 research institutes and 4 SMEs from 13 European countries
Budget of the whole project: 9.9 MEUR,
from which budget of Atomki: 180 kEUR