In the frame of this project, research infrastructure units of Atomki are set into a control software framework thus establishing a remotely controllable virtual laboratory. The aim of the system integration is to create a complex infrastructure suitable to make radiobiological and radiation hardening measurements. The subsystems involved in the integration: cyclotron accelerator - neutron source and vertical beam-end for isotope production, tandetron accelerator, Van de Graaff accelerator, Co-60 source, MiniPET-3 small animal Positron Emission Tomograph and radiochemical laboratory, ESCA (Electron Spectrometer for Chemical Applications), MGGL (Matra Gravitational and Geophysical Laboratory), ECR ion source, PEM (Physical Environment Monitoring) system.
Leader of consortium:
- Evopro NPA Kft, former Evopro Systems Engineering Kft (support: 398.725.723 Ft, 57%)
Members of consortium:
- Atomki (support: 185.500.010 Ft, 100%)
- Biological Research Centre (support: 145.561.008 Ft, 100%)
- University of Szeged (support: 239.834.823 Ft, 100%)