Egyéb információ
Members of the Board:
Dr. Sailer Kornél, professor, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Theoretical Physics
Dr. Fenyvesi András, senior research fellow, MTA Atomki
Dr. Kruppa András, scientific adviser, MTA Atomki
Dr. Wolf György, scientific adviser, MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Dr. Sükösd Csaba, associate professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Institute of Nuclear Techniques
Dr. Gyürky György, scientific adviser, MTA Atomki
Dr. Belgya Tamás, senior research fellow, MTA Centre for Energy Research
Dr. Kunné dr. Sohler Dorottya, senior research fellow, MTA Atomki
Dr. Tímár János, scientific adviser, MTA Atomki