Exact results regarding many-body systems

Doktori védés Exact results regarding many-body systems
Előadó TRENCSÉNYI Réka Eszter
Egyetem, doktori iskola University of Debrecen, PhD School in Physics
Időpont 2015-04-15 11:00
Helyszín MTA Atomki, Lecture Hall (Debrecen, Bem square 18/c, XII. building 3. floor)
Esemény leírása

Further information can be found in the following web page:




Egyéb információ

Members of the Board:
Chairman: Dr. Beke Dezső professor, University of Debrecen
Members: Dr. Nagy Ágnes professor, University of Debrecen
Dr. Kruppa András scientific advisor, MTA Atomki
Dr. Pipek János accociate professor, BME
Dr. Virosztek Attila professor, BME
Dr. Cseh József scientific advisor, MTA Atomki
Dr. Ujsághy Orsolya accociate professor, BME
Supervisor: Dr. Gulácsi Zsolt accociate professor, University of Debrecen